Yesterday because the weather was so nice I went out to take some photos, I ended up around Nopeming & noticed the gate was open, so I drove in, weird, the place has been closed since 2002, yet the roads around the place were plowed, like every spot you could drive was as such. On the way in I past a pickup truck leaving with a couple of average looking people, there was also about 9 to 10 cars parked in the back. The place isn't being used as anything, many windows & doors were boarded up, but I've heard there are some caretakers living there, strange, like defenders of a abandoned castle.
It's an interesting property, they should use it for something it's a nice location, some have suggested converting it into apartments, fine idea, I wouldn't live there, because there was "over 7000 recorded deaths on the premises." Ah, yeah... creepy.
I'll be posting my photos probably next weekend when I upgrade my flickr account. I found some other even creeper places.
Looking forward to seeing your photos!
when i was in there with a buddy we walked around that place for about 3 to 4 hours and we have a couple weird things happen to us. like when we walked in we went by the PA system i remember walking by it when we would go to see my grandma and it wasn't on or anything and about an hour into the exploration you could hear static over the PA system so we ran back to it and it was all lit up and turned on but i cliked the button on the microphone part and it didnt do anything. then we kept looking around it was weird the way the place was left i mean there were old peoples drawings on the floor and doctors and nurses name plates still laying around as if there wasn't enough time to pick the stuff up. then we split up and i went to the 3rd floor, my buddy stayed on the 2nd we didnt have flashlights and it was now dark up there so with the light from my cell phone i walked into this room that had yellow brick walls and heard something move across the floor i walkie talkied my buddy to ask him if he was trying to freak me out he said why did you come back down to the 2nd floor i ran down the stairs and there was my buddy standing in the hallway needless to say i didnt go back up to the 3rd floor. but there must have been people cleaning it out they had blow up beds in old patient rooms, food and drinks in fridges they must have brought, and grills to cook the food on. also walkie talkies the ones we used on the trip and all of that stuff was located in a church like room with an organ and god banners on the wall. i figured they were working there because there was a schedule written out with hours planned in it. the reason i went there was because my grandpas mom died there from TB and he grew up there i guess it was some kind of orphanage after that, then they turned it into a nursing home and my grandma stayed there until she died with no reason why she died so there was some history there for me and wanted to check it out. i was wondering though what the concrete dome behind nopeming was for? it is probably 200 yards back in the woods and looked like stuff was burned in there...maybe the people that had died from TB i dunno, does anybody??